Tag Archives: support


If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been for the last few days, well, I’m over here in Bali!
I’m also posting to another blog while I’m here, that way I can keep all the Bali info to one place.

Together with @iambersee (from Amber Dawn Photography), the team from @DaySpringAU and with our missional partner, @HaloTickets, we are in Indonesia to support the work of the care organizations in Bali, specifically, The BaliLife Foundation, a childrens home that provides a safe and loving environment for the street kids of Bali. Our aim is raise awareness of the great work they are doing and provide a way for others (like you!) to get involved in support of the home.

If you haven’t see it already, head over to BaliLife Support  to catch the updates and photos as we progress on the trip! That blog will also show you the different ways you can get involved!

And, of course, if you like what you see, we’d love it if you told your friends!

A shout-out to Blogsy

I would like, at this point, to give a shout out to Lance and the guys at Blogsy.

Not only do they have a great-looking blogging app for iPad but their support has been some of the best I have seen!

I downloaded Blogsy about a week ago but had a problem with one of my blogs hosted at wordpress.com. Long story short, I kept getting a nondescript API error when trying to publish or view previously published posts.

I sent an email to their support team but, honestly not expecting much, I also hit up @blogsyapp on Twitter. Within the hour, I received several @replies plus a more detailed email! We went back and forth for the next hour or so troubleshooting my issues (which, I admit, are usually extravagant!).

In the interest of full disclosure, we didn’t get to the bottom of my problem at that time, and it remained unresolved for several more days, but I have got to say, my respect for the Blogsy team skyrocketed! The fact that they were able to admit a problem they didn’t know how to solve and remained supportive, even though I was part of the 0.5% of users experiencing it, shines as an example to businesses everywhere, both start-ups and Fortune 500s!

We have since found the issue and it has been fixed. For the record, my problem came from an error in a line of code where I had placed a picture and the RSS feed was freaking out (not a bug with Blogsy).

W3C Feed Validation Service will help point it out if you are having a similar error.

In a few weeks, after I have learned the finer points of this app, I will give it a full review, but in the meantime, I give their dev team 5 Stars!

(p.s. Published from Blogsy!)